viernes, 20 de abril de 2007

An unforseen miracle, i'm on the internet for free!!! 2 days of internet, this is going to be rare. Anyway i'm in Santiago, which is the nicest city in the DR, almost feel American. And i live super close only a 12 peso bus ride away after i descend the mountain that i call home. I had pizza hut for lunch. and haven't spoken a lick of spanish yet today. Jen and i met up at our office of our project partners, the name of it is slipping my mind, but anyway another volunteer met us there and showed us the city and stuff. Now i'm at her apt. which makes me miss america cuz it has internet and running water and a refridgerator.
Anyway last night we went to a showing of the pelicula, "an inconvienent truth" the one about global warming with al gore, it was in english with spanish subtitles, so i've been totally spoiled these past 2 days. I love this city!!!
Not much else is going on, i'm just really overwhelmed still.

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