viernes, 6 de abril de 2007

training winding down

Hola Mis Amigos,
I´m feeling great once again.
We only have 2 more days in Jarabacoa! My house is packed with family from the capital. Last night there was 15 people. There was a matteress in the living room, and people screaming and a snoring fat man, mid dream i thought a motorcycle was stuck in a ditch and they were revving the engine trying to get it out. haha but it was just a snoring guy. Oh and my doña´s sister is a nun, but she´s really rude, always saying that i don´t understand anything, when in all actuality i do!!!
We just went grocery shopping for our trip and spent 5000 pesos. I dunno what the math is, but we got alot of peanut butter and macaroni and cheese and chips and salsa... And i got a mango for myself for later. mmm
Yesterday was our last day at the forestry schoool. We had lectures in the morning then planted sugar cane in the afternoon. I was eating the sugar cane, and got on a major sugar high. Its probably the least attractive thing to eat. worse than sunflower seeds. You chew the cane to get the sugar juice out and then spit the pulp out, but its so gross loooking. As if you were reguritating it. but i love it, peeling it with the machete then eating it like a Haitian.

I hope everyone has a great easter. Here we have been celebrating all week. Its called Semana Santa. The kids haven´t had school since last wednesday, so they have been off for a week and a half. On thursday morning at 430 everyone got ready and went to church in a group. The group walked around the neighborhood singing songs, kinda like caroling, man that was creepy. I haven´t been to church yet with them, but i don´t think i´ll be able to get out of it sunday. That should be interesting.

So the plan is Monday we leave for the border. Camp there a week and bathe in the river. Leave on saturday, go back to santo domingo. Monday i go to school and find out where my community site is that i´ll be at for 2 years and get my cell phone. Then tuesday is project partner day in santo domingo and i take a trip out to my site for a 5 day visit! Then i come back to santo domingo for 2 or 3 days, swear in as an offical peace corps volunteer and then ship out for 2 years!!! I´m so excited!!!!!

5 comentarios:

Lookingup dijo...

I get such a hoot out of your stories, I can't even tell you. I look forward to each time I see a new entry. Sugar cane, bean puree, caroling, snoring, its wild!
Easter weekend is here!
And...KT turns the big 13 this week!
Love you

Lookingup dijo...
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cusinkatie dijo...

Hi nicole,
i'm sorry i have been posting and that u were dying, you must have missed everyone. i'm turnin 13 on friday the thirteenth, i am one lucky kid! i hope you get another nice family, maby this time with out the fresh nun.
love you always

Unknown dijo...

hey babes, i love to hear about all the new things you are trying
i cant wait to see pics of you camping and eating sugar cane ...
i hope you get a nice place of your own and then you can cook all you want ..... love daddio

Unknown dijo...

Sweets for my sweet, although I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be eating sugar cane like a hatian! About the nun, now we both have creepy nasty nun stories(remember that one in leeds that told me I was too gay for my own good?). What an exciting time. I hope and pray that you get a wonderful permanent assignment. I am incredibly excited for you and all that you are doing. I hope that the river bathing doesn't involve any unwanted critters.
Love and love some more,
Tu madre p.s. I ditto auntluvthe mouse, great blogging