jueves, 19 de abril de 2007

La Loma (the hill)

Hey folks,
I unexpectedly got to a computer, which by the looks of my site location is not bound to happen more than once a month. Ánother volunteer se llama Jen is working with the same organization as me, and seeing as though i live halfway up the highest peak in the northern most mountain range and we have a meeting in the morning my project partner brought me down the mountain this afternoon instead of having to get me in the morning. It takes about 40 minutes just to climb the mountain, by jeep mind you, to ge to my village. Let me just tell you the view is absolutely incredible!! I live in the clouds, literallly, the fog is rolling around at all times. And boy is there a chill, but I like it so far.
My house that i will be living in for the first 3 months is like camping. There is no faucett for water, its all in big barrels outside, no sinks included. We have a latrine, which if anyone has been to slateford farms and took a gander at the outhouse there, thats what i´m pooping in, and thats no joke!!! The showering is just a tin enclosure with a sheet door, luckily i love showering outside, that was a requirement of our house in north carolina, EOS!!!! enclosed outdoor shower. but now its just a bucket bath. hmmm what else, ooooh my dona, the woman of the house, cooks over a fire!!! She says its better b-c gas contaminates the food. Boy is she crazy!! Thats ok, the fire keeps me warm when we´re in a cloud.
Anyway, besides roughing it hardcore, my village is a agroforestry volunteers dream!!! I´m pretty sure i´m living in a rainforest. There is a great site for tourists that they are developing about 40 minutes more up my loma. Its kinda like tuscarora, a retreat center, and they told me i can stay there whenever i want. So if you wanna hike and stay there with me, its a pretty nice place. I mean i haven´t seen any civilized living arrangements lately but this place is really nice, it runs on renewable energy and has running water, even in shower form. mmmmm heavenly.
What else to say.
Oh could some one email me info on the Manacala forest, thats what i´m living in and its supposedly really rare or something. They have a rough accent here and i´m struggling with the language again... I got so confident when i got back to Santo Domingo, i could talk to everyone, but now, as dad would say pppp dead.

Oh well. I¨m so overwhelmed and my brain cells have formed into a geletain state of mushy peas. but i´m getting by. A week from today i will be an offical peace corps volunteer, no more of this trainee shizzle.

TaTa for now my sweets

1 comentario:

Lookingup dijo...

Hi This is Kai. Hi Nicky. What do you like down there? What kind of stuff is down there? I love you Nicky.