lunes, 16 de abril de 2007

entrainamiento habia terminado

Hola mi amores!
My week near Haiti was great!!!! It was life changing no doubt about that. The 7 of us and a few dominicans and our trainer slept in cabins, cooked over a fire stove, clogged lots of toilets and bathed in the river!!! We had a blast!!!! We encountered a bat in our room hanging from the bunk bed and a rat in our bathroom.

Haiti was the saddest site i´ve ever seen in my life. I couldn´t speak. We drove down the international highway which is the worst dirt road i´ve been on yet in this country and they are all dirt! But the dr is on one side with green hills and trees as far as the eye can see and Haiti is on the other side and its brown and dry and it would have been possible to count the number of trees on the mountains. The people live in shacks smaller than a pennsylvania tool shed made of sticks and mud with palm leaves for the roof and 8 to 12 people live in them. The people look like the ones you adopt for a dollar a day on those commercials. I cried under my sunglasses... there are no hope for those people. Dominicans are poor but their poverty doesn´t make me cry b-c this country is on the right track. Just seeing haiti put my whole life into perspective.

Anyway tomorrow i go visit my site in El Ranchito.. isn´t that fun to say El Ranchito accent on the chi!!! I´m totally psyched!!! Nervous as all heck but can´t wait to get this service started. I will be gone until sunday in my new home. Monday will be a huge internet day. My site is on a mountain so maybe i will have phone service up there. Si dios quierre! ahah thats a dominican phrase.. it literally means if god wants, and they say it for everything, are you going to school si dios quierre. haha anywho. I´m so excited i could pee

Can´t wait to get settled in speak the language (today was my last spanish class yowzer), and have so flipping visitors!!!! Bring your rain gear and your bathing suits, i´m in the clouds and near the beach!!!!

Amor para todo el mundo!!!!!!!

I gotta go home and pack!!!!!!!

1 comentario:

Lookingup dijo...

I am so excited! I feel like I'm there! Mountains, beach, speaking the language! Accent on the "Chi"! Me and Uncle Steve loved your last blogs! We got all choked up about the haitians too, and we laughed at all your funny parts! It feels like you're right here talking to us by how you write! You lucked out, it sounds like, with your placement! Woo Hoo! We love you lots! Enjoy your new 8 pounds, and we are sure its all muscle since you're doing all that hard work.
Katie's 13!
How cool is that! She got a mountain bike for her BD and put a basket and horn on it just like you did with yours!
Love you always
Aunt Lisa