martes, 13 de marzo de 2007


Today in tech. training we sharpened our machetes then dug out baby banana trees to replant. I worked so hard trying to keep the roots on and as it turned out we chopped them off anyway. I guess bananas are like a super plant, they can sprout roots on command. So now there are a bunch of banana plant stubs soaking in a concoction of pesticides and fungicides with a sprinkle of hormones. Then we chopped down the biggest bamboo ever and we are going to build a fence tomorrow! I have to share my bed tonite with another volunteer. the one i visited last weekend. She is teaching us how to build a fence and my host family now was her host family last year when she was training. I hope we have something good for dinner. Rice and Beans is my guess.

Let me know if this set up works for you all.

3 comentarios:

Lookingup dijo...

Oooo! Am I the FIRST to comment? I've never blogged I go! This is great! I feel like I'm reading your diary! Keep it up Miss Nicky! Oh! Its 65 degrees here today and the five of us just got home from a powerwalk! Khloe is better already! Love ya! Aunt Lisa

Lookingup dijo...

oh this is pretty cool its kinda in spanish a little though. anyway thats a pretty cool day.

Lookingup dijo...

Oh Nicole!
Katie made the last comment, not me, she used my auntluvsthemouse account! Aunt Lisa